District Superintendent:

Rev. Michelle (Micki) McCorkle

Contact Info:

704 8th St (east door) Baldwin City, KS
Tel: 785-841-4804
Fax: 785-841-4820
Office Hours: Mon. through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

The District:  

Five Rivers District is a geographical and administrative subdivision of the Great Plains Conference. The boundaries of the district have been determined by the bishop after consultation with the district superintendents. A district consists of all the pastoral charges within its boundaries. 67 local churches are constituted in the Five Rivers district being served by 44 pastors.

Five Rivers District is currently under the supervision of Rev. Micki McCorkle. Primary duties of this administration and office relate to overseeing and supporting the work of the local churches, including presiding at Charge or Church Conferences, and supervising the work of the pastors, including participation with the bishop in the making of appointments.

The district’s largest suburban churches are sprinkled throughout the district offering varied amenities from walking trails, repurposed office spaces, preschools, gymnasiums, and house a variety of activities and services throughout the week in addition to Sunday worship. They are often the hub of their communities. Rural churches are found in many small towns throughout the Five Rivers District. Many provide meeting places, food pantries, and weekly after school programming for children in the community. They have a rich history within our communities and Sunday services.

Many of our churches have been in their community for well over 100 years.

District’s key personnel:

Rev. Michelle (Micki) McCorkle, District Superintendent

Marvé Ralston, Administrative Assistant

What you may not know about your district:

The Five Rivers District churches are in southeast and eastern Kansas where relationships and community are vital. We are always focused on Christ first, and service to others; with fellowship and food being our next priorities.

We have a diversity of pastoral leadership which adds to the richness of our ministries.

Within our district is the Academy for Small Membership Church Ministries which provides opportunities for training of laity for smaller church leadership.

Recurring events:

Festival of Nativity at Centenary UMC: where over 300 Nativity sets are on display the month of December.

Biblesta the only biblical parade in America in Humboldt, KS

Key links:

KU Campus Ministry – Campus Minister is Susan Mercer

Baker Campus Ministry – Campus Minister is Kevin Hopkins

Camp Chippewa – Camp Director is James Rickner

Five Rivers District Networks


